It was most shocking to think that as a citizen, we are protected to go into a public food store or restaurant and purchase food for our human consumption only to realize what we are purchasing could kill us, even though it has been stamped approved by our government. Just because a person or company may put together some ingredients of any quality, paint a pretty picture on it and sell it as edible for consumption does not mean you should eat it. Some people may buy questionable food that does not kill them today or next week, so because it was cheap, quick and tasted well enough to sustain them for the moment, they are likely to buy it again. But over time it is a slow death that becomes quicker has the food factories increase.
Anytime a worm can die from eating corn that is still in the field, because of the insecticides that are on can that be safe for a person to eat? And how sad is it that a farmer can lose his crops, land and business because the wind blew someone's seeds onto his land? If genetically modified food is said to be safe, why not put labeling on it so that I can make a conscious decision on whether I want to eat it or not? This is the year 2010, which direction in your life do you want to go? I am not placing any judgment, this is just a little of my "organic" thoughts.
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