1. The word Protein is an ancient Greek word that means "greatest importance" and in the Encyclopedia of Healing Foods book it says the Greek word means "primary". Webster's Dictionary reminds us that protein is "occurring in all living matter and essential to diet." This is nothing new, just interesting to help promote protein with an "aha" moment in a debate I had about what the human body can live with or without.
2. Proteins are small molecules that are the amino acids that are necessary to sustain life. I have found some contradicting information on the number of amino acids that the body can manufacture, the non-essential amino acids, which has been between 9-14. The other 10, which are called "essential amino acids", must be obtained from a person's nutritional diet.
3. Some of what the amino acids help in is proper development of cell tissue, muscle tissue, repairing damaged tissue, defending the body against illness and disease, regulates hormones, healing wounds, carrying nutrients and enzymes and maintaining the body's optimal health. Therefore consuming the healthiest, top quality, organic nutrients on a daily basis will help insure the best quality of health for your body.
4. Proteins makeup about 1/2 of the non-water portion of the human body.
5. The more active a lifestyle a person has, the faster the proteins will breakdown in the body. The faster the proteins breakdown, the more an active person needs to consume more protein back into their body because proteins are not stored in the body like fat is.
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